Monday, 2 April 2012

Enter the Cavalry..

Following my last post, I thought I should let you know what happened.  The cavalry (and there were THREE of them) came, and spent SIX hours fiddling about with my broadband connection. They used two ladders, lots of wire, many gadgets and gizmos and not one single cup of tea (although I did offer!). 

At the end of their stay, and just before I started wondering if I should start cooking dinner for five and make up the spare room, they pronounced things “fixed”. They’d replaced just about all the wiring to the house, tested everything to within an inch of its life, and offered to pop back the following week to check that we were happy. Result.

Well…not quite. They’d only been gone a short while when TH entered the room, clutching his laptop and wearing a hangdog expression. “Is it working for you?” he asked. “Yes” I replied. It was evident from his general demeanour that it wasn’t working for him.

The rest of the evening was spent doing tandem speedtests with two, and then three laptops, and watching the internet speed fluctuate wildly from megafast to zilch and back again. I did explain to TH that it had been mentioned that the age of his laptop could possibly affect the speed, but he wasn’t having that.  His laptop still works, and by golly, he’ll keep it until it explodes.

Enter Karl-with-a-K. Janice (cf my previous blog entry) had gone on holiday for a week. Dealing with me does that to people… Karl was her cheerful substitute, and phoned me on Saturday to find out if all was well. I confessed that it wasn’t. Karl got me into the bedroom (in a manner of speaking: it’s where the modem lives) and had me linking first my laptop, then TH’s to the modem, and testing the speeds on each. We finally came to the conclusion that it was the wireless connections that were the main problem and that TH’s computer had the wrong type of wireless card. Karl recommended the purchase of an n-range wireless dongle. If I sound as though I have a clue what I’m talking about, then let me tell you, I haven’t. I only know that you can buy these mysterious gadgets on the interweb for a fiver or so, and they are the answer to your prayers. Or at least, they’re the answer to your prayers if those prayers involve a fervent request to whatever higher being might be listening, begging them to stop your other half from speaking of nothing other than internet speeds every time they start a conversation with you.

A few days later, the Man from the Cavalry called by. He was very concerned for our internet welfare, and offered (“We shouldn’t, really, but you’ve been so nice and we want you to be happy”) if necessary, to pop back and move the whole internet gubbins downstairs. I told him we were waiting for the Magic Dongle. He still remained chatting for the best part of half an hour…

Then, oh frabjous day, the dongle arrived! Of course, TH couldn’t activate it, so it was left to me. That’s yet another hour of my life I won’t see again.

The bottom line, if you’re still reading, is that all seems to be well, at last. Or, at least, TH hasn’t mentioned the internet speed for a whole 4 days. He even muttered something about reinstating the Direct Debit…


  1. An n range wireless dongle!
    Now why would that never have occurred to me?
    I now have to Google the thing to find out what it is...

  2. I had to do that, Fly! I now try to shoehorn it into every possible conversation, in a vain and less-than-plausible attempt to sound terribly savvy. Apparently, g-range just doesn't cut it with fibre-optic wireless broadband. Impressed? I thought not!

    1. So when our great national fibre optic project sees the light of day I will know what to ask for...if i'm still living...

      Mr.Fly remembers collecting rents on his father's properties from stoned hippies who were working on fibre optic technology at Martlesham for the Post Office in the late sixties....

    2. Worryingly, the Man from the Cavalry told me that they don't yet fully understand why n-range technology works better with fibre optic than g-range...but it does. It's a little bit crazy, anyway, because the fibre optics don't come all the way to the house..they stop at the "box" which is about 100 metres down the road. After that, it's just normal wires...

  3. Result, CB! Glad that your speed is now within megaphone hailing distance of the promised speed, though of course BT soon won't be able to make those misleading claims of up to 24Mb. We're at present enjoying the fact that here on the north coast of Scotland our broadband speed is light years ahead of the speed we'e been getting in Mid-Wales recently. I can actually watch a YouTube clip without it having to buffer!!!

  4. Indeed, Perpetua, we are almost back to having normal conversations about topics other than our internet speed..and not before time! We're zooming along most of the time at speeds of up to 30Mbps, which is fine by me (although TH in the other room is getting a bit less...but a lot more than before!). I was getting to the stage where I wondered what we talked about pre-BT!!

  5. 30Mbps!!! Thud! That's about 30 times what we often manage at home in Wales and DH's client actually pays for us to have TalkTalk's business broadband. Sigh......
